Friday, January 15, 2010

Andrew's Birthday

Andrew's birthday is two days after Christmas and we are working hard to keep the events separate. I am told by those whose birthday is that close that their birthday is often lost in the shuffle. Andrew's requests for his birthday was a cake that he promised to share with Aaron and a balloon. Oh to be so easily pleased. Well for his birthday we went with Bradley and Philip to Burger King to play. Yes they did eat but it was all about playing. They had a great time and played almost 2 hours. That evening we had the official birthday party. We had the balloons and cake. I would say his to favorite presents is a pair of shoes that light up and his toy computer and his Korean Pororo movies. This of course is after the balloons which have just today died. So we got good mileage out of them. Lots of fun had by all.

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