Sunday, April 26, 2009

Gotcha Day Celebrations

Before I get to the celebration, this is a picture of Andrew relaxing. Some adoptive families have a celebration for the day the adoption is complete or the day that their child comes home. We have decided to celebrate on the day that our son first came to us. We don't intend to give presents like a birthday but to have family and friends celebrate that this day was and is special. I am sure that my boys may eventually not want to make a big deal of this but even then I will bring out the you are special plate even if we don't have a big tado. Becuase they are special and we love them. Well anyway here are a few pictures of our very first Gotcha day celebration for Aaron Josue Barbee.
Here is Nanan reading to Aaron after lots of food.
Here are Andrew, Papa and Aaron reading. Exactly how do you read two books at once.

Of course I made plenty of food. Aaron loves Guacamole so I made some along with enchiladas, rice, salad and peas. We ended the affair with an ice cream cake from the Meadows because that was what we had when we got back to the states. Mom and Dad had gotten us a welcome home cake this time it was a Gotcha Cake. The people who made it weren't sure what to think.

Here is Aaron eating his Gotcha Dinner...I don't trust him with the you are special plate yet but Andrew will get to use it when it is his turn.

1 comment:

david, kim, anthony and sophie said...

yay! congratulations again on such a wonderful little boy and family!