Wednesday, August 17, 2011

What Do you do While you wait?

What do you do while you are waiting to adopt?
The magazines tell you to go ahead dream and do something. Some people fix up the nursery which we did a little. Some shop and others find something else to do as they wait. Well I am going to confess to something that I did with Aaron but didn't tell anyone and I have started doing with our 3rd. Andrew was super quick so I didn't do it with him. I let my hair grow out. This didn't mean that I didn't get it trimmed from time to time. After Aaron got home I got it chopped. I found it therapeutic. I was able to physically mark time. So I have begun again. I am not promising that I won't get frustrated at some point and just chop it off. So as I begins to grow again. This adoption is to be a slow process so I don't know when the time will come. But for me this is how I wait.

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