Friday, December 18, 2009

Let it Snow

Before we left for warmer weather, we had a Sabbath snow. Andrew and Aaron could barely contain themselves. This was the first snow that was enough to go play in and play they did. Last year Andrew did not want anything to do with the sled. This year he has named it slippery and can't wait for more snow. So here are a couple of pictures from the sled riding.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Child Blessing

We had a child blessing for Aaron when he came home and wanted to have one for Andrew when he came home. We initially waited until he could understand what was happening better. Then we procrastinated but we finally did it. A child blessing is simply a prayer for the child for protection, guidance and encouragement as he grows. The same day Mr Ed was practicing his baritone and Andrew was quite fascinated. Mr Ed kindly let him try to push the valves. All in All a very good day.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Perry's Birthday Weekend

Gabe and I had wanted to give Perry an opportunity to enjoy some football for his birthday. However with a birthday in April there wasn't any football. So this is Perry's birthday present but in the fall with the Knicks game thrown in with the help of his friend Esau.
Here are a couple basketball game pictures.

Esau also gave Perry the New York City tour. Perry rode the train in to meet him and then got the tour.
Here are the pictures from the Rutgers game. Gabe and Perry got to see the game from up high but said the view was pretty good. This was Perry's first college game and it was televised on ESPN.

Overall a very nice weekend. Thanks Gabe.